Sunday, March 29, 2020

How to Learn Hindi Online Through English

How to Learn Hindi Online Through EnglishIf you have been considering learning Hindi online through English, then you must be thinking of ways to learn. There are several ways to learn the language that are available and they are best known as online courses.To learn the language from an online course, you must be very careful about your plan because many people who do not know how to learn have been misled by so-called courses. In fact, when you think about it, it is not advisable to learn from online for at least three reasons:Online learning is a perfect example of a scam, which may ruin your future. You may get lured by some free offer that claims that they can teach you Hindi in a day or two weeks. If you are new to the language and there is no suitable teacher to teach you, then this program may prove to be very tough to follow. Thus, you must be very careful about it.If you want to learn Hindi through English, then you must be very cautious about the sites that you are visitin g, too. There are many scams associated with these sites and many users have reported to us that they were scammed by these sites. Moreover, one thing to keep in mind is that it is difficult to get hold of reliable Hindi lessons sites. Therefore, you have to be very careful and make sure that the site you choose is genuine.It will be of great help if you select a Hindi teacher who has years of experience teaching the language. A great Hindi teacher knows the importance of learning the language well. They will also be able to teach you the correct pronunciation, the proper intonation and the correct grammar, among others. These things are very important if you want to learn the language effectively.Learning the new language through English is something that is best done if you have sufficient resources to provide for it. You must have access to the Internet and you must be proficient enough in the language. Therefore, you must also be the type of person who is motivated enough to stu dy and learn the language well. If you are able to fulfill these requirements, then you can easily learn any new language.There are many sites that provide Hindi lessons online and you should get in touch with them. You can get in touch with a Hindi teacher, who is best suited for you, on these sites.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Canada Horizon International Education Incorporated

Canada Horizon International Education Incorporated Canada Horizon International Education Incorporated LOCSS is the only British Columbia Offshore School in Central China.It is certified to offer the BC program from Grade 10 through to Grade 12 Graduation.We also enroll a Foundations Year for students who are almost ready for Grade 10; however, require an extra year of English to promote maximum success.Our first graduation class of 42 students received their BC Graduation Dogwood Certificate. Of our 42 Graduates, 34 are attending the University of Toronto or the University of Alberta. The other graduates attended Canadian and International Universities. We will enroll 160 students for 2018 - 2019. Construction is completed for a new school building for our LOCSS BC Program.The new building is built on our current school campus, it will be ready for September, 2018.We are currently housed within a private Chinese school of 3,500 students (Grade 7 12), with excellent facilities. We are an exciting school creating traditions as we grow in Lanzhou, Gansu, China. We are located in Lanzhou, along the famous Silk Road, and on the shores of the well known Yellow River.

6 Online Language Learning Communities Thatll Make You Feel Like Family

6 Online Language Learning Communities Thatll Make You Feel Like Family Its common for language learners to feel a bit isolated at timesâ€"especially when learning an uncommon language or self-teaching.Even if youre attending classes, doing homework and preparing for exams  can be isolating activities.Ready to make one of the best decisions youll ever make as a language learner?  Good!  You’ll never regret it.Diving in and joining  online language learning communities or forums can be highly beneficial to learners of any language.  But which communities will really help you get where youre going?I’ll give you six that are definitely worth your time. Make one (or more of them) your new home online. But first, here are three good reasons why you should join, just in case youre still on the fence. The Benefits of Joining an Online Language Learning CommunitySay “Hello” to Fellow Language LearnersJust knowing that youre  not alone  can be a great comfort  to  the language learner. Sooner or later, you’re gonna be discouraged. You’re gonna feel down and out. (Hey, that’s a normal part of the language journey.)The forum can put all your struggles with language into perspective. Imagine a class of several hundred million. When you come to the forums and read that someone else asked the same language question you’ve been asking yourself the past few days, you realize you’re not that bad. There are people ahead of you, whove been though it all and found ways to overcome difficulties. There are people behind you who are still looking for guidance and direction. When you come to the forum and read a language question that you actually know the answer to, you realize you’re really not that bad!In addition to getting awesome tips that have worked well for  others, forums can create invisible bonds that connect you to every other language learner there, even if you’re studying different languages. There’s some kind of bond that exists between fellow language learners, making an online community like a band of brothers w here you end up cheering each other on and hoping for the others to succeed.Be Up Close and Personal with Native SpeakersDid you know that you can learn a whole new language without ever spending a dime? Native speakers have a lot to do with it. Native speakers are those lucky enough to be born in a country where your target language is spoken.It used to be that gaining access to them involved buying a plane ticket, getting lost in their city and asking where the nearest bathroom is. But that seems like a very long time ago. Today, you can get access to native speakers and you don’t even need to give them the courtesy of introducing yourself. You simply proceed to your question, type away and you’ll have knowledgeable and helpful  native speakers answer your question, sometimes in seconds.Now, I’m not saying that native speakers are necessarily linguistic geniuses. They may very well be average. But they possess the very thing you’re working your tail off to possess: fluency in their language.And because theyre native speakers, they wont think its too big of a deal to dish out some help. Often, they’ll do it pro bonoâ€"or, more often, theyll do it in exchange for help with learning your native language.Beyond language, native speakers can give you the inside information on cultural practices, idiomatic expressions, slang, pop culture and other areas where a textbook can’t go. Through the guidance of these creatures, you’ll have more insightful and enriched time with the language.Get Honest Reviews on Resources and ProductsJoining forums is one of the best ways to go after honest reviews of language learning resources. The wisdom of numbers will shed light on the true nature of products.If a particular language course is good, you’ll hear about it from someone who has actually taken it. Sometimes you’ll hear mixed reviews, which is a reality of life anyway. Then you can engage those members and asked them what they liked or didn’t like about the product/course. Its always possible that their cons will be your pros, and vice versa.So, type your query in the forums and ask away. Ask if such and such is a good product. Or better yet, ask for pros and cons. Youll be a more empowered and informed language learner by doing so.6 Online Language Learning Communities You Should Be a Part OfFluent In 3 MonthsFluent In 3 Months is the one of the largest, most popular and best known language learning blogs online. It’s managed by the fun-loving and globe-trotting Irishman Benny Lewis. Hes fluent in seven languages and intent on adding more tongues to his already robust repertoire.“Three months?” you asked. “That’s like less than a hundred days, right?”The blog talks about different language hacking techniques Benny discovered on his journey towards speaking different languages. He also writes balanced reviews of the different language products online and posts articles like, Learn to Speak Multiple Languages (Without B urning Out)  and What’s Your #1 Challenge in Language Learning?Benny’s philosophy is that if you wanna learn how to speak a language, then you’ve gotta speak it on the first day. Mistakes and all.The Fluent In 3 Months forum reflects this philosophy because you will see that he devotes a section/category to discussions about “Speaking the language” and lumps the other non-speaking components of language (writing, reading, listening) into one category.Speaking of categories, the forum, interestingly, also has a special section for “Ladies Only” which cannot be viewed by non-members.Benny is effusive about what’s going on in his life and shares a lot on the forum about his travels, projects and, like I said, reviews different products he’s tried. So if you want an honest review by someone who’s actually tried the product, Benny’s your guy.With the many resources, tips, techniques and helpful discussions that are happening in Fluent In 3 Months, well, maybe it is  possible to be fluent in three months.OmniglotOmniglot is a compendium of linguistic knowledge and the different writing systems used to represent language. In short, the blog is big on the written wordâ€"one of the best online. Its run by Simon Ager, an unassuming fellow who speaks French, German, Chinese and Japanese. What started out as a hobby in 1998 became what it is today by organically growing and continuously taking in quality content.I’ve included this one on the list as a nod to learners of the written texts. There’s a disproportionate number of excellent learning communities for spoken language, but only  a few focusing on its written form. Omniglot  is one such place.Its forum has sections on con-scripts, extinct languages and even translation requests. But lest it be mistaken for a “writing only” learning community, you’d be happy to know that Omniglot contains voluminous tips, tricks and techniques for learning how to speak different languages. It really co vers all the aspects of language education.Omniglot has attracted serious language learners, so its  here that you’ll find people whose passion is really learning. The crowd here has somehow taken on the unassuming and simple nature of the founder, Simon, and you can really feel genuine curiosity within the forum’s pages. Youre also more likely to bump into really intelligent people in this blog. Just sayin’.So if you want a place that’s low on negativity but high on learning, check out the Omniglot forum.LinguaholicSome communities make you wonder if there are actually people behind it or if they’re busy doing something else. With some forums, you try to contact an admin and it takes you ages to get a reply, if you get one. With Linguaholic, you feel that the people behind it actually care what’s going on in the forums, what’s being talked about or whether the latest queries have been answered.The forum, I think, is in an ideal size where it’s not too big to be out of control, but still active enough to be a platform for communicating with fellow language learners. They have sections for “Language Study Apps,” “Language Teaching” and even a “Language Exchange Corner” where you can find people who can help you learn your target language.With Linguaholic, you get a sense of kaizen, the Japanese concept of continuous improvement. For example, the forum has a section for requests and suggestions, which the moderators don’t treat blithely.So with Linguaholic there’s always some new “cool thing” that’s being developed. They’re continually adding languages and continually tweaking the site. As a yet non-household name, my guess is, it will be big very soon. And I encourage you to join this community. Not just because of its potential (although it would be very cool to be part of something before others flock to it), but because, as it exists today, Linguaholic is imminently useful for the language learner who wants to surround himself with support from like-minded souls.Reddit (/r/languagelearning)Think Reddit is just for upvoting and downvoting items you find interesting (and otherwise)? Think again. Reddit has an awesome list of language learning communities called subreddits that can be as specific and as broad as you want it to be.One such subreddit is  /r/languagelearning.The forum is for anyone interested in learning a language whether they be an absolute beginner, a raving polyglot or a person whos just plain interested in linguistics. Queries submitted here include: Which languages are phonetically similar to English? What fun websites do you visit in your target language? Tips on raising a trilingual child?You can ask anything you want in the language learning niche. Remember what I told you about forums being lounges for other language learners and native speakers? The language learning subreddit has them in good numbers and theyre actively ready to help.The subreddit has the added functionalit y of the Reddit upvote and downvote. An upvote floats the post higher up the page, which means members get to see it first over others. A downvote sinks it to the lower areas of the page, where many readers don’t get to see. This allows members to efficiently interact with one another and bring attention to the highest quality content.While other forums present the latest threads or most recently commented threads, here you’ll see the posts that other members have found particularly interesting or helpful. Trusting in the wisdom of communities, you’re able to save time and don’t have to wade through all the topics before you get to one that’s worth your time.WordReferenceYou’ve probably had your first brush with WordReference because you wanted something translated. WordReference is often considered the top dictionary-translation site online. But working as a translation  service is just one of its virtues. WordReference houses a lively learning community, and a forum se ction to boot!And its forums  are nothing to sneeze at. At the time of this writing, there are 6,000 active users that are “online.” (How may forums can raise up a number like that?)WordReference has forums for Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Slavic, Semitic and many other minor languages. In true tradition as a translation service, the forums for major languages like Spanish, French and Italian come in language pairs. For example, in the French forum, there are subsections on French-English, French-Spanish and French-Italian. So if you want a translation of a French phrase or sentence into English, then you go to the appropriate section. Or if you’re an English speaker who wanted to ask something about the French language, you go to the same section.The queries and topics that you find here are heavy on the translation, vocabulary, meaning, usage, sentence structure, pronunciation, tenses, parts of speech and grammar elements. So for example, in the French-Engli sh section, someone might asked: Can you subject-verb invert on the imparfait?For queries of this nature, your best bet would really be WordReference.UnilangThe Unilang platform probably serves the most number of languages online (including Polynesian languages, Basque, Faroese, Sami languages and even Kurdish).The interface may look basic but, underneath the surface, you’ll be treated to some community-generated resources  like: courses, videos, podcasts, dictionaries, scripts, vocabulary lists, phrasebooks, stories, software,  games  and exercises that no other platform can provide.Unilang even supports live text chat (with Unicode scripts) so you can type in Chinese, Arabic and Russian.The theme in this forum is collaboration. You not only have the chance to take advantage of the resources made by others, discuss them and ask your questions, youre encouraged to create resources of your own. In so doing, you not only help your fellow language learners, but youre also learning an d immersing yourself more in your target language. And isn’t that a win-win?Those are six of the language learning communities that are worth checking out.Come, dive in.Meet the folks, the fellow language learners who are effusive about their journeys, the patient native speakers who help you for nothing in exchange and the lovers of language who not only make you appreciate your  target language more, but your first language as well.They’re all there waiting for you, so what are you waiting for?! And One More ThingIf youre digging these communities, youll love using FluentU. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse Screen.FluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definiti on, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover your mouse over the subtitles to instantly view definitions.Interactive transcript for Carlos Baute song.You can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs learn mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet  or, better yet,  download the FluentU app from  the iTunes store  or Google Play store.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Soar Past the Summer Slide with Kumons Summer Learning Roundup

Soar Past the Summer Slide with Kumon’s Summer Learning Roundup Soar Past the Summer Slide with Kumon’s Summer Learning Roundup Summer is upon us! But along with the warmer weather, trips to the pool and family vacations comes a not-so-fun realityâ€"the summer slide. At Kumon, we believe in the importance of year-round study and have been proving its benefits for 60 years now. Summer is a break from school, but it shouldn’t be a break from learning. Check out some of our favorite tips to help prevent your children from spiraling down the summer slide! What is the Summer Slide? Whether you call it the “summer slide” or “summer brain drain,” taking the whole summer off from learning has proven to have undesirable effects leading to unwanted results. Click below to find out what the research says happens to your children when they don’t stay engaged during the summer months. Read More 6 Practical Tips for Summer Parenting Preparing for summer can be overwhelming! In the blink of an eye, children go from structure to vacation mode. Many parents worry about their children being bored during the summer. This can lead to overscheduling, which can actually be counterproductive. Click below to check out some of our tips for summer parenting! Read More Simple Ways to Make Learning Fun this Summer There’s plenty of time for both learning and fun during the summer months. And who said that learning had to be boring? Click on the link below to check out some super simple activities to keep your children engaged this summer. They’ll be having so much fun, they won’t even realize they are learning! Read More Did you enjoy this roundup? Discover even more parenting and study tips! You might also be interested in: Maintaining Momentum this Summer to Keep from Falling Behind 5 Creative Summer Reading Tips 6 Simple Ways to Make Learning Fun this Summer Finding the motivation to continue learning during the summer can be a challenge. 13-year-old Kumon dual program completer shares advice on perseverance. Soar Past the Summer Slide with Kumon’s Summer Learning Roundup Soar Past the Summer Slide with Kumon’s Summer Learning Roundup Summer is upon us! But along with the warmer weather, trips to the pool and family vacations comes a not-so-fun realityâ€"the summer slide. At Kumon, we believe in the importance of year-round study and have been proving its benefits for 60 years now. Summer is a break from school, but it shouldn’t be a break from learning. Check out some of our favorite tips to help prevent your children from spiraling down the summer slide! What is the Summer Slide? Whether you call it the “summer slide” or “summer brain drain,” taking the whole summer off from learning has proven to have undesirable effects leading to unwanted results. Click below to find out what the research says happens to your children when they don’t stay engaged during the summer months. Read More 6 Practical Tips for Summer Parenting Preparing for summer can be overwhelming! In the blink of an eye, children go from structure to vacation mode. Many parents worry about their children being bored during the summer. This can lead to overscheduling, which can actually be counterproductive. Click below to check out some of our tips for summer parenting! Read More Simple Ways to Make Learning Fun this Summer There’s plenty of time for both learning and fun during the summer months. And who said that learning had to be boring? Click on the link below to check out some super simple activities to keep your children engaged this summer. They’ll be having so much fun, they won’t even realize they are learning! Read More Did you enjoy this roundup? Discover even more parenting and study tips! You might also be interested in: Maintaining Momentum this Summer to Keep from Falling Behind 5 Creative Summer Reading Tips 6 Simple Ways to Make Learning Fun this Summer Finding the motivation to continue learning during the summer can be a challenge. 13-year-old Kumon dual program completer shares advice on perseverance.

Homework Help College Algebra Problems

Homework Help College Algebra ProblemsThere are a lot of homework help college algebra problems that you can find online. You will not have to search for your answers if you use online homework help. It's not that hard and all the homework help college algebra problem sets will come from various sources, they just come in different types of formats. You have math websites, textbook sites, websites dealing with homework help college algebra, and books.Do you have a favorite website? If you do then I recommend one. They usually provide a lot of homework help college algebra problems. I like to use math homework help because it helps you figure out all the homework problems. Math homework help college algebra is very good for both teaching math and help you solve math problems.It seems that you only need to look online to find online math homework help. You can find several websites that offer this type of help. A lot of them offer homework help that you can download, print out, or even scan.Why would you want to get online math homework help? You can find online math homework help college algebra problems and other problems you can solve. You can use online homework help to learn how to solve calculus problems, science problems, test taking, college algebra problems, and much more. The good thing about online homework help is that you can study at your own pace, whenever you have time.When you use online math homework help, you don't have to wait for the professor to grade your paper or tutor to help you with your homework. You can use the online math homework help college algebra problems you find on the internet. All you have to do is look around and find one that suits your needs.There are hundreds of online math homework help colleges algebra problems you can look through. You don't have to worry about finding a specific one, because all the websites online will have the same homework help college algebra problems. All you have to do is find one that fits you r needs. Look for any that might be useful for you.Many people have found online math homework help college algebra problems useful. Even if you don't use the same set of online math homework help college algebra problems everyday, you might find some useful ones on a daily basis. You could even use them every week and still not have enough time to study!

How To Get Your Chemistry Degree And Earning An Online Bachelors Degree

How To Get Your Chemistry Degree And Earning An Online Bachelor's DegreeChemistry people are concerned with the properties of matter, and they study both organic and inorganic compounds. You will find that chemistry is a very high level science, since the uses of these compounds and products in everyday life require advanced knowledge of chemistry to handle them. It's an excellent school for people with a high interest in chemistry.You might think of chemistry as studying the properties of chemical compounds, but it goes much deeper than that. A chemistry degree can be used to study organic chemistry, the study of the properties of matter and compound; the study of complex mixtures, and the properties of the molecules that make up a substance. These skills are needed in today's competitive world, where there are many new chemicals that require complicated testing and scientific study.If you're already in high school, you may want to take a formal introductory chemistry class to help you get ready for college. In this class, you'll learn about gases, liquids, solids, and solids and liquids. The chemistry courses include the Periodic Table, a unit on the structure of matter, and a unit on the properties of solids and liquids.You'll also learn about the physical principles and interactions that make things work. For example, there are moles, called molecules, which interact with water to form H 2 O, or oxygen gas. When two moles are put in contact with each other, they combine into a different molecule. As you can see, there are many different types of interactions and chemicals in chemistry, making it one of the best sciences.A chemistry degree allows students to take on a variety of roles as professionals in their careers. For example, many jobs now require students to know how to use different types of chemicals and what they can do. If you want to work with science, consider a career in chemistry.The number of science-related careers is growing in popularity, which means more people are getting educated in the science field. It's a good idea to consider chemistry if you're looking for a career in the future. After all, it's a great way to help with the design of different materials, products, and devices that we use on a daily basis.There are many ways to get your education, including online courses and many books available. The first step to finding a career in science is understanding what you want to do. Then, you can take the first steps to getting your degree and securing a job. Chemistry people have an exciting career ahead of them, so don't pass up this opportunity to get the education you need.

An Introduction To A Level Chemistry Revision

An Introduction To A Level Chemistry Revision Everything You Need To Know About A Level Chemistry ChaptersTop Tips for A Level RevisionTake NotesPower of Past PapersDon’t Ignore the Mark SchemeLearn the Structure of the Exam PaperWhere to Find Past PapersOnline ResourcesDon’t Be Too Hard on YourselfAfter getting through your GCSEs your knowledge of chemistry will be pretty advanced by now. At A level, you will continue to further your knowledge of concepts you already know as well as learning new ones.In the physical chemistry section of your A Levels, you will build on your GCSE knowledge of atoms and their structure. You will also learn about bonding, energetics, kinetics and acids and bases.You will test principles and equations like these in experiments in the lab, and will even learn which reactions can be reversed and how!You’ll learn how DNA is structured and how effective anti-cancer drugs are in stopping DNA reproducing in cancer cells.As well as the chemical theory, as in GCSE, you’ll be taught practical skills in the lab. You’ll be able to build on your exist ing knowledge to conduct more complex experiments and test different hypotheses.A Level chemistry is advanced and it takes a lot of work to do well in this subject. Make sure you stay on top of your revision throughout the year.Having a good revision technique is part of what it takes to do well in A Level chemistry. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, quinntheislander, Pixabay)Be systematic and follow the syllabus topic by topic. Don’t move on until you really understand. Try taking notes on a topic from the textbook and then condensing them again and again. By the time you have a small summary of an idea written down, you’ll be able to explain it concisely rather than just reading word for word from your textbook.If you don’t understand the fundamentals at the start you might not understand something later on so don’t skip it.Once you get to the end of a section in your text, run through a few practice questions either online, or at the end of chapters in your textbook to really test your understanding.Power of Past PapersPast papers are an essential revision tool. They are a great way to find the gaps in your knowledge, what you need to improve on but also to give you a confidence boost finding out your revision is paying off. They are the closest thing you’ll get to a practice run of the exam itself and will help you get to grips with exam technique.Getting used to the past papers will help you to understand the way your subject is structured. While simply going through past papers and answering the questions is useful in itself there is actually so much more you can getPlanning your revision will take the stress off (Source: Pexels)out of them to really improve your grades.With just a few tips you’ll be able to use past papers to really get on top of your subject and nail your exams. PetarChemistry Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamChemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhChem istry Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SaifChemistry Teacher 5.00 (14) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorChemistry Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FrankChemistry Teacher 5.00 (8) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HeavenliChemistry Teacher £11/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JideChemistry Teacher 4.80 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsDon’t Ignore the Mark SchemeMark schemes will help you work out where you’ve gained and lost marks, and how well you’re answering the questions.Mark schemes are very specific. There are certain points that you have to mention in order to get the marks on a question. Even if you know the topic well, it doesn’t mean you will get the marks if you don’t know what the marker is looking for.It isn’t just about your knowledge of the subject but of the marking scheme too. You have to answer the way the examiners want you to. Be suc cinct in your answers, don't waffle on with descriptive words. The examiner is looking for key points that efficiently and correctly answer the question. Think explanation not description.Learn the Structure of the Exam PaperPast papers help you get used to the structure and wording of the exam. Structures of papers usually stay pretty much the same year to year so past papers are the closest you’ll get to seeing what your exam will look like.Even if you don’t know what topics will be on your paper you can still familiarise yourself with the style of wording the papers use and the format so you don’t lose marks on just not understanding the question.If there are certain terms in the questions that keep coming up in past papers, ask your teacher to explain them to you.Make sure you get your head around the structure of your chemistry paper and ask yourself the following questions:1. Is the paper divided into sections?2. Are the questions single or multiple choice?3. How much ti me should you spend on each section?Knowing what to expect will mean there are no surprises on exam day. Knowing what to expect will also mean you don't waste unnecessary time trying to figure out the exam format. Plus you'll go into the exam hall confident that you know what's coming. Where to Find Past PapersYou can find past papers and chief examiner reports on the website of your exam board.There you’ll find past papers from previous years and there will also usually be papers from summer exams and resit periods so there will be plenty to practice with.Your teachers at school will most likely give you past papers to practice in class and will read through the question structures with you so you’re best prepared.Other resources like student room and BBC bitesize are also great tools for finding past papers and other tips.Online ResourcesIf you’re struggling with revision and need another method other than using your textbook, why not try online resources.A quick Google sear ch of the A Level revision material on the topic you want to bring up several options. Here are a few of our site is a great resource that will test your revision skills. It will you get into the practice of learning, testing and remembering.Each topic is broken down into sections that you first learn, then test with a quiz then remember it with revision notes.You can even create your own personal question banks and revision guides so you have a tailored plan for you.Compound InterestThis chemistry blog explores the everyday relevance of chemical  compounds - great for when you’re wondering what the point of it all is!Their food poster series and “Chemistry of Colour” posters have gone viral. Their high-quality  graphics stimulate more  interest in chemistry and are a great way to think about chemistry in a different way than just following a syllabus.Print a few posters off or try making your own of your favourite compounds!BBC BitesizeYou most lik ely used bitesize for your GCSE revision, it’s an oldie but goodie!Now available as an app too, bitesize is particularly useful because you can choose your exam board on the home page. So whatever curriculum you’re following you’ll be able to access relevant revision resources.Far from your boring textbook, Bitesize keeps revision interesting, with different quizzes activities and games to choose from. Games might seem silly when you’re in the midst of learning complicated concepts but they can still be useful! Use them as an additional tool when you’ve had enough of writing out notes.Don’t Be Too Hard on YourselfPositive reinforcement is possibly the most significant, element of successful revision.Revision isn’t just about your knowledge, you need to get yourself in a positive mindset to tackle your exams.Make a list of all the topics to cover in chemistry A level. Whenever you have successfully understood one tick it off your list. You’ll feel much more productive and will physically see how far you’ve come.If you do well on a past paper don’t hesitate to write the score in marker pen on the front and keep it somewhere you can see. When you’re overwhelmed by revision will act as a visual reminder that you’re not doing too bad after all.Finally, on exam day, remember that you have put the work in and can only achieve your best. Stay calm and try to avoid going into the exam in a sleep-deprived frenzy!Get the best private chemistry tuition from Superprof.Use all the resources you can find to really give yourself the best chance! The more prepared you are in the run up to exam day the less stressed you’ll feel.Good luck and happy revising!